
AGPSspoofingattackattemptsto“deceive”aGPSreceiverbybroadcastingcounterfeitGPSsignals,structuredtoresembleasetofnormalGPSsignals, ...,OurSupercorrelationsoftwarecandetect,rejectandlocatespoofingsignalsusingjustasoftwareupgradetoastandardGNSSchip.,Asolutiontojammingandspoofingcanrangefromanti-jamantennasandadd-ondevices,toGPSthreatdetectionsensorsandevenembeddedsoftwarethatprotects ...,2023年3月...


A GPS spoofing attack attempts to “deceive” a GPS receiver by broadcasting counterfeit GPS signals, structured to resemble a set of normal GPS signals, ...

Anti-spoofing and Cybersecurity

Our Supercorrelation software can detect, reject and locate spoofing signals using just a software upgrade to a standard GNSS chip.

GNSS Anti-Spoofing

A solution to jamming and spoofing can range from anti-jam antennas and add-on devices, to GPS threat detection sensors and even embedded software that protects ...

GNSSGPS jamming and spoofing tests under actual ...

2023年3月8日 — Experts have assessed GNSS/GPS anti-jamming and anti-spoofing functionalities in controlled environments (laboratories) for more than ten years.

Selective availability anti

A Selective Availability Anti-spoofing Module (SAASM) is used by military Global Positioning System receivers to allow decryption of precision GPS ...

Understanding the difference between anti

Generally speaking, adversaries may attempt to disrupt position, navigation and time solutions derived from GPS in one of two ways: spoofing (making a GPS ...

What Is GPS Spoofing and How Do You Defend Against It?

2023年8月16日 — GPS spoofing is when a counterfeit radio signal is transmitted to a receiver antenna to counteract and override a legitimate GPS satellite ...

What is GPS Spoofing?

2022年8月20日 — GPS Spoofing is the process of using an RF transmitting device to intentionally make a GPS receiver calculate a false position.

What is spoofing and how to ensure GPS security

In order to combat spoofing, GNSS receivers need to detect spoofed signals out of a mix of authentic and spoofed signals. Once a satellite signal is flagged as ...


反電子欺騙(Anti-Spoofing,簡稱AS)是美國國防部為防止敵方對GPS信號進行電子欺騙和電子干擾而應用於全球定位系統上的一種技術手段。具體措施是在P碼上加載一種嚴格 ...